GetDevDone Blog

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Shopify development (27 Articles)

How to Organize Products on Shopify: Some Helpful Tips

Learn how to arrange products in Shopify for maximum efficiency and higher revenue. There are so many things that Shopify merchants need to do in order to make their online businesses profitable. One of the most important tasks is organizing merchandise in an efficient way. The platform has some great functionality to let you sort […]

GetDevDone Team

How to Choose a Store Name: Do’s and Don’ts

Thinking about how to name a store? Here are some helpful tips on what you should and shouldn’t do when handling this important task. In this post, we talk about how to make a good store name that your customers will love and remember. The process of choosing a perfect name for your online business […]

GetDevDone Team

Shopify Landing Page Optimization: 6 Rules Every Online Merchant Should Follow

Learn about essential things every online merchant should remember when building a Shopify landing page This post may serve as a good reference for any e-commerce entrepreneur who wants to increase the conversion rate of their store’s landing page. We cover a number of important aspects of the Shopify landing page creation process, starting from […]

GetDevDone Team

Optimize Your Order Process with the Best Shopify Shipping Apps

Intro Мodern consumers are very scrupulous — meeting their needs and preferences impacts business development more than ever. Your buyer picks up the products carefully, striving to find the best item with the best shipping options. If he does, a satisfied customer will become your loyal client and guarantee your business’s profitability. This factor is […]

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